The pyramids of Giza- Traveling to North and West Africa Advice

Traveling To North & West Africa

Advice For Traveling To North and West Africa

Proof of yellow fever vaccination is required for entry to some countries as well. Other may require proof if traveling from a region with active infection. Although most people watch for health concerns for visiting Africa, some travelers don’t understand some of the health risks can happen upon your African travel. Getting the proper travel vaccinations can add both safety and comfort to your trip!

Risk Map for North And West Africa

Is There Any Additional Health Risks

  • Traveler’s Diarrhea- This is very common among international travel and is caused by eating contaminated food/water. To help reduce the risk of this illness,
    • Eating at only reputable establishments
    • Wash your hands regularly
    • Have a travelers’ diarrhea kit.

Travel Vaccines For North and West Africa

VaccinationDisease TransmissionAdditional Info
Hepatitis AConsumption Of Contaminated Food Or WaterRecommended for travelers of this region.
Hepatitis BExposure To Contaminated Body Fluids (Sex, needles, etc.)Recommended for travelers of this region.
RabiesBitten Or Scratched By A Contaminated AnimalVaccine is recommended for long-term travelers
or anyone who can come in contact with such animals.
TyphoidConsumption Of Contaminated Food or WaterRecommended for travelers of this region.
Yellow FeverSpread through infected mosquito bitesRequired for visiting this region