Cathedral in Eastern Europe - Eastern Europe Traveling Advice

Traveling to Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe Travel Advice

Eastern Europe is one of the world most historical destinations to visit. The experience of seeing Prague’s Castle or Charles Bridge is breath taking but unfortunalty, many travelers don’t understand some of the health risks can happen upon your European travel. Getting the proper travel vaccinations can add both safety and comfort to your trip!

Eastern Europe Risk Map

Are There Any Additional Health Risks?

  • Traveler’s Diarrhea- This is very common among international travel and is caused by eating contaminated food/water. To help reduce the risk of this illness,
    • Eating at only reputable establishments
    • Wash your hands regularly
    • Have a travelers’ diarrhea kit.

Immunization safety is an important consideration for travelers, particularly those visiting this area. While the region is generally safe and welcoming, there are certain health risks that should be kept in mind when planning a trip. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional prior to travel to determine which vaccines may be necessary or recommended for your destination. Some common vaccines recommended for travel to Eastern Europe include hepatitis A and B, typhoid, and rabies. In addition to vaccines, it’s important to practice good hygiene and take precautions against insect bites, particularly in areas where tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease are prevalent. By taking these steps and staying informed about potential health risks, you can help ensure a safe and healthy travel experience in Eastern Europe

Travel Vaccines For Eastern Europe

VaccinationDisease TransmissionAdditional Info
Hepatitis AConsumption Of Contaminated Food Or WaterRecommended for travelers of this region.
Hepatitis BExposure To Contaminated Body Fluids (Sex, needles, etc.)Recommended for travelers of this region.
RabiesBitten Or Scratched By A Contaminated AnimalVaccine is recommended for long-term travelers
or anyone who can come in contact with such animals.
TyphoidConsumption Of Contaminated Food or WaterRecommended for travelers of this region.